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Oil Painting Workshop: “Expand your Painting Toolkit” with Emma Kalff
145 N Cora St 145 N Cora St, Ridgway, ColoradoLocation Cost Have you always wanted to increase your knowledge of painting, but never had the time? Come join us for this two-day oil painting workshop with Emma Kalff! Emma was classically-trained in painting at the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts, and is excited to share with you the artistic tools she uses on a daily basis. The workshop ...
Oil Painting Workshop: “Expand your Painting Toolkit” with Emma Kalff
145 N Cora St 145 N Cora St, Ridgway, ColoradoLocation Cost Have you always wanted to increase your knowledge of painting, but never had the time? Come join us for this two-day oil painting workshop with Emma Kalff! Emma was classically-trained in painting at the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts, and is excited to share with you the artistic tools she uses on a daily basis. The workshop ...